Monday, November 19, 2018

Gapage 047 - Gapage GOLD2!!

You asked for it - we got it! You heard the boys before Anthony's 50th party, now hear them after! This is the real thing, unedited! This hour of non-stop late nite talk is guaranteed worth twice what you paid! Bonus Bonus: we break in a new intern! Hear Brent's thoughts on Creator Camp 2019! More advice Ken needs but won't heed! Sound bites from Janis the cat! Sentences you'll never hear on any other podcast! From Hamilton, with love - listen up! 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gapage 046 - Gapage GOLD!!

Ken and Brent take the NEW Gapage podcast to an entirely new level! We bring you Gapage GOLD!! Note: Only listeners will hear what we have to say!

The Golden Horn - The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Take Five - The Best of the Dave Brubeck Quartet

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Gapage 045 - CampFire Placeholder

Ken and Brent meet up at CampFire 2018, but make very little effort to record an episode of Gapage. This is really just a placeholder, but we'll call it #45 anyway to show how much we don't care.

Music: Boom Chika Boom 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Gapage 044 - Brent's Last Dance With Mary Jane

The most exciting part of the podcast captured in this photo!
Gapage 044, recorded LIVE before a studio audience at Redchurch Cafe, Hamilton, Ontario for #MMPR2018, featuring none other than acclaimed hosts Ken and Brent! Part 1: Brent drops another bombshell, Ken fears their friendship is threatened. Part 2: Is gaming a gapage?

Friday, June 1, 2018

Gapage 043 - Big Scoop Edition!

Phog Lounge Urinal
In this episode, over 4 months in the making, Brent makes Headline News! More talk on political correctness, Rules of the Rock, #MMPR, Rosanne fired, Canada-US trade war, the scary real Handmaid's Tale, gaming, the joy of music, regular Jason's intro, podcasting history, Rock Log, the slowness of Brent's maturing, Brent dodges a bullet, no gossip, ephemeral creativity, getting high, kinds of hashish, legalizing weed...

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Gapage 042: micropoliticalaggressioncorrectness

In spite of continued audio disabilities,  Ken and Brent make more than a half-hearted attempt to discuss issues of the day from a Toronto perspective. 2018 is the year of Gapage!

Topics: microaggression; gay serial killer; little girl's big lie; fake diversity; atheist bullying; nice ass; metoo; political incorrectness; Podcamp Toronto

Monday, January 1, 2018

Gapage041: no more 'R' word

Ken and Brent are back at it, this time discussing such serious topics as Racism, Ableism, Transphobia, Islamophobia and Microaggression. Guess who comes across as more enlightened.